Saturday, March 1, 2014

Take charge of breastfeeding~part one

Some Mothers find breastfeeding easy, while others struggle.  I for one have had  two very different situations with each of my girls.
 With Maliea, right away we attempted to breastfeed and it felt like the lactation consultant was immediately jumping in to help before we had a chance to figure out what to do. She placed a nipple shield between me and my baby before I knew what was happening. Nipple shields are great if you need them. Maliea and I didn't, and because the lactation consultant gave up on us so quickly Maliea would only use the nipple shield.
During this time I was also working. I was constantly stressed about pumping, I loathe pumping, in addition I was worried about making enough milk, whether or not it was sufficient because Maliea would never let me put her down. It was really frustrating for me. So after 3 months I gave up.

 With Bridgett however, I maintained a "can-do" mindset and I refused to let anyone interfere with us during the first few hours of our breastfeeding relationship. I gratefully accepted recommendations and advice but  I respectfully maintained a "hands-off" environment, unless I asked for assistance first. 
With Maliea we used to pacifier for a couple of months, with Bridgett I never used one which really allowed our breastfeeding relationship to grow with more success. Lactation consultants are fantastic don't get me wrong, but I highly recommend that you take charge. Use the skills they have, but they are there to help, not to do it for you or to take over for you. A breastfeeding relationship is between you and your child; and should not include a third-party.

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